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Pánax(Jénshēn) seeds

Seeds of the Jénshēn.

This plant has wonderful properties. The strongest remedy is made from the root of the plant infused with vodka, it is very good when, after infusion, the root sits back in place (in the ground where it grew). (the plant does not like metals and other stupid materials, work with a wooden or stone knife.) People who are terminally ill or at least 65 years old drink this tincture, thereby increasing their lifespan to 18 years. Healing root grows Only in the shade of non-berry trees. He can fall asleep (fall into a lethargic sleep that can last up to 25 years), then wake up again. Grows in poor clay soils, about 2-3 inches of poor black earth is sufficient. Comfortable growing and fruiting temperatures in summer from +10С to +25С, in winter from -40С to -1. Rain and wind are familiar to him. Grows well in the shade.

(Seeds are taken only from plants growing in the wild taiga.)

Pánax(Jénshēn) seeds

Pánax(Jénshēn) seeds

Pánax(Jénshēn) seeds