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Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta seeds

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi.

Kishmysh is what they call it in the Far East.

These berries are very small (from an inch to 3 inches) and very sweet kiwi fruit, but its skin is thin, smooth and tasty, it is unnecessary to peel it and it is not shaggy. And the berry, unlike kiwi, almost does not smell. Liana grows very fond of sunlight, but grows in the shadows. The plant is paired fruiting only female creepers.

Grows in poor clay soils, about 2-3 inches of poor black earth is sufficient. Comfortable growing and fruiting temperatures in summer from +10С to +25С, in winter from -40С to -1. Rain and wind are familiar to him. Grows well in the shade.

(Seeds are taken only from plants growing in the wild taiga.)

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi(Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta)

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi(Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta)

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi(Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta)

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi(Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta)

Seeds of the variegated-leaf hardy kiwi(Actinídia kolomíkta & Actinídia argúta)