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Berberis amurensis Rupr(Amur barberry) seeds

Amur barberry seeds.

A pleasant sweet and sour berry, almost odorless (but when it blooms, the aroma is amazing!) Grows on thorny bushes. Berries grow in clusters. The shrub serves as an excellent natural fence because the vegetation is very dense and prickly. The leaves are highly valuable in the treatment of colds and bronchitis, influenza and so on. you can brew tea and drink it, it causes profuse sweat, diuretic, slightly lowers the temperature, cleanses the kidneys of toxins and radionuclides, fills the body with vitamin C.

Wine with the addition of barberry berries knocks down huge men accustomed to liters of vodka.

Grows in poor clay soils, about 2-3 inches of poor black earth is sufficient. Comfortable growing and fruiting temperatures in summer from +10С to +25С, in winter from -40С to -1. Rain and wind are familiar to him. Grows well in the shade.

(Seeds are taken only from plants growing in the wild taiga.)