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Lonícera caeruléa & Lonicera edulis(Honeysuckle) seeds

Honeysuckle seeds.

Sweet and sour, bitter and sour berry (but it is very tasty despite the bitterness, I don’t know why, but it is.) It grows on bushes, plants love the sun and manured soil (the taste of the berry is very responsive to sunlight and manure.)

Grows in poor clay soils, about 2-3 inches of poor black earth is sufficient. Comfortable growing and fruiting temperatures in summer from +10С to +25С, in winter from -40С to -1. Rain and wind are familiar to him. Grows well in the shade.

(Seeds are taken only from plants growing in the wild taiga.)

Lonícera caeruléa & Lonicera edulis (Honeysuckle) seeds

Lonícera caeruléa & Lonicera edulis (Honeysuckle) seeds

Lonícera caeruléa & Lonicera edulis (Honeysuckle) seeds

Lonícera caeruléa & Lonicera edulis (Honeysuckle) seeds